Skyrim Save Editor

May 13th, 2013
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  1. Direct download from hear:
  2. For Xbox 360 & PS3 you need a USB Drive
  4. Instructions
  5. (Always make BACKUPS of your save. I'm not responsible for glitched saves.)
  6. 1) Download the Skyrim Editor HERE or use the button below.
  7. 2) If you have Xbox or PS3, copy your save to your USB.
  8. 3) Copy your Save Game to your Desktop using the USB
  9. 4) Extract your Save using the Skyrim Editor & Modify to your liking.
  10. 5) Resign & Rehash your save then copy back onto your console via USB.
  11. 6) PC users just Navigate to your save, Open, Edit, Save, and Enjoy.
RAW Paste Data
Skyrim Save Editor

Welcome back Blitzes! In this video I will be showing you guys how to mod your Skyrim character on PC. Enjoy!Files: You can import your Xbox game save to PC, mod your game through PC then convert the file back to Xbox, its simple and easy, Xbox to PC. Navigate to your C: Users Documents My Games Skyrim Saves. Change the file extension on the game save to.ess and toss the game save inside of your Skyrim save folder.

Skyrim Save Editor Ps4